How Can I Help?

Depression and anxiety

It is very normal for us to experience times of feeling very anxious or low in mood, especially when we have gone through difficult life events, experienced ongoing pressures and challenges, trauma or losses. It may not feel ‘normal’ or acceptable for you to feel this way and maybe worrying, especially if it is affecting your day to day life. Therapy gives you the opportunity to talk about your experience, share your story and together find ways to process, manage and overcome your current challenges.

Eating Disorders:

I am specialised in working with young people and adults with Anorexia, Bulimia and Binge eating problems. For many people I have worked with, what started out as a way of trying to gain control amidst the challenges of life, actually became a life-controlling problem with more negative consequences than positives. The therapy I offer will give you a chance to reflect on the impact that your eating problem is having on your daily life and whether you want to change. My approach is down to earth, using humour, creativity and your best hopes to guide the pace and direction of the therapy.

Emotional eating and weight problems

Do you turn to food when you are stressed, tired, upset, down or angry? Has this led to you gaining weight? You may have tried every diet under the sun but constantly feel a sense of failure, leaving you feeling out of control and hopeless about your ability to change. Rather than another diet plan, we can work together to understand your relationship with food. By asking you to monitor your daily eating and emotions you will uncover the habits and patterns to your eating and together we will work on alternatives to using food to deal with your emotions.

Other difficulties

I am experienced in working with trauma and loss, body image,  bereavement, self-esteem, stress management, transitions, mood and anxiety-related issues.


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